June 21, 2012 Austin, TX The Texas Water Development Board dismissed the evidence presented in Environmental Stewardship’s appeal of Groundwater Management Area 12 without substantiating their claims.
“Where we met the burden of proof by providing compelling evidence, the staff has argued that the evidence was either “out of context,” “outside the scope of these proceedings,” or “conflicting and inconclusive” … without bothering to substantiate the reasons for these conclusions. We consider this an abandonment of their duty to you … the Board, to us … the Petitioner, and to Texans on both sides of the issues,” said Steve Box, Executive Director of Environmental Stewardship, in comments to the Board. Click here for ES letter to the board and ES GMA-12 Petition.
“As directed by statue, the Texas Water Development Board and its staff has a responsibility to ensure that, in carrying out mandates under Texas statutes, they guide other entities, such as groundwater conservation districts, in such a way as to avoid conflict with other statutes. The TWDB has abandoned this duty and needs to take responsibility for its negligence, not pass the buck to the Districts or Environmental Stewardship,” said Box.
Roy Mann