Environmental Stewardship’s efforts to protect the rural character of our region, the environment of the lower Colorado River basin and Texas Gulf Coast depend on donations from our supporting foundations and individual stewards. Please keep in mind that our foundation support is limited by IRS rules that require 30% of our support to come from individual donors like you, so your donations mean a lot to us!

By becoming a sustaining steward and making a monthly donation you can be sure that your voice will be heard through our involvement in state and local activities that influence public policies in our communities. You will know that you are helping to protect our precious groundwater, surface water, and marine resources. You will be contributing to our education and outreach efforts aimed at encouraging responsible stewardship.

We are grateful to have generous support from individuals like you!  

Thank you!

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!


Donations may be made by PayPal or credit card:

Please consider providing sustaining support by checking the “monthly” donation box

Environmental Stewardship is an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization and donations are tax-deductible.

Donations may also be made by mailing a check payable to:

Environmental Stewardship
P.O. Box 1423
Bastrop, TX 78602

Create an account in “iGive” and support Environmental Stewardship while shopping at your favorite online stores. Once you sign up, be sure to select Environmental Stewardship from the list of charities then download the browser extension to iGive. That’s all there is to it! When you complete your purchase from stores like Lowe’s, Target, Walmart or PetCo, to name a few, a portion of your purchase will be donated to our cause. Share the QR Code with your friends and that way, can help us out. All by purchasing something for want of need. It works just like AmazonSmile used to, but stores donate a much larger percentage of your purchase price to us. It’s a win-win!

Click here to download the iGive Extension.

Scan the QR Code below to go to iGive.

To sign-up for our newsletter and action alerts

please  SUBSCRIBE at the bottom of this page.

NOTICE:  Don’t forget to bookmark this page and add the smile.amazon app to the device where you do your shopping by going to smile.amazon.com on that device, select Environmental Stewardship, then create an app on your phone or tablet.

Our supporting foundation and business sponsors are:

Click here to go to review our most recent IRS Determination Letter and IRS Tax Filing (IRS 990)

Thank you for becoming a sustaining steward!