It’s GOOD NEWS Tuesday!
In addition to #GivingTuesday matching, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by one of our private sponsors!!!
Over pumping of groundwater aquifers throughout Texas diminishes the flow of rivers, streams, springs and spells trouble for communities across the state. So please, do what you can to help us protect Texas’ waters. Your donation directly contributes to the protection of wildlife, ecosystems, and the quality of life of Texans for generations to come.
The Environmental Fund of Texas is a non-profit foundation that has pledged to support Environmental Stewardship’s grassroots efforts to protect vital water resources. It will match dollar for dollar, up to $1000 each individual and business donation we receive.
Make a tax-deductible donation today!
We are also very grateful to our other sponsors — The Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation, the Trull Foundation, and The First National Bank of Bastrop for providing the long-term support necessary to make Environmental Stewardship a guardian of our surface water and groundwater resources.
One Earth, One Home
Mankind has only one home, the Earth. We have a stewardship responsibility to restore and maintain the Earth and its resources to a level that will sustain all life far into the future.
Whether we will continue to enjoy the abundance of the earth, or endure the extremes, will depend on how well we manage our activities relative to the earth’s resources.
— Steve Box, Founder, 2007
Based on this philosophy, Environmental Stewardship is dedicated to the conservation and protection of our ecological resources. We have been working intensely for over a decade. Recognizing the threat to our rivers and streams from over-pumping of groundwater to fuel growth in urban corridors, we have worked diligently to bring the best available science and understanding to public and private management policies.
We recently completed another milestone in our struggle by opposing the Lower Colorado River Authority’s application to over pump the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer. Environmental Stewardship was forefront in developing the research and science needed to effectively demonstrate the damage that such mega-pumping will have on the Texas Colorado River and its tributaries.
Our next milestone is to establish a monitoring network to directly measure the impacts of groundwater pumping on the Colorado and its tributaries in Bastrop County, Texas.
Studying the interaction between surface water and groundwater is the best way to measure the health of the Colorado in Bastrop County. If that relationship is degraded, surface water flows will decline, groundwater levels will decline, and the environment and our communities will suffer.
As private landowners you own — as vested private property — a share of the groundwater in the state. Collectively, you own about 95% of the land and the groundwater in the state of Texas. That means that you have the opportunity and responsibility to ensure wise usage of these critical water resources. The power is with you: that’s why your support matters so much to us.
Environmental Stewardship has collaborated with the Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund (SAWDF) from its inception as a regional entity focused on the protection of the Simsboro formation of the Carrizo Wilcox Aquifer Group. The Wilcox Group is under siege by water marketers.
Thank you for your support and donations,
Steve Box
Board President and Executive Director