Environmental Stewardship requests Desired Future Conditions be adopted to protect the Colorado River and its tributaries from impacts of groundwater pumping
Environmental Impact of Groundwater Pumping on the Colorado River and its Tributaries
Environmental Stewardship’s Executive Director, Steve Box, presented a power point review of its request that Groundwater Management Area 12 establish standards to protect the Colorado River from the impacts of over-pumping of groundwater at GMA-12’s December 10 virtual meeting (see video below). The presentation was a part of item 9 on the attached agenda. The standards requested, know as Desired Future Conditions (DFCs), are based on original research that show that the best science available predicts unreasonable impacts on the Colorado River and its tributaries. Environmental Stewardship is requesting that specific standards be established that directly address the impact of groundwater pumping on surface waters within the management area.
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